Fall into Fitness for City Employees and their Friends!

Margi would like to offer a FREE FIRST CLASS and a 20% Discount for any City Employee (and Friends) for a series of 6 Classes! Good Thru Oct 12th, 2014

Margi Green has been a Licensed & Certified Massage Therapist for over 25 years here in Gloucester, MA. Seeing the need for her clients and other friends to be able to decrease their own muscular pain, she created her class “Relax and Lengthen”.  The goal is help you learn how to RELAX YOUR MUSCLES, REDUCE YOUR PAIN, and STRETCH SAFELY – Gentle Conscious Solutions.

Margi teaches her classes at 222 Arts & Wellness Center on Eastern Ave near Pond Rd.


Tues: 4pm and 5:45pm

Fri 9:30am

Please let me know in advance if you are interested in a Thurs. 4:30 or 5pm class as I am taking a poll on this now.

Contact me at 978-283-3330 or email me at relax@margigreen.com



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